My birthplace, Mexico City, is one of the world's most important cultural and financial centers. Each region/state generally has a unique cultural identity and accompanying cuisine, folk songs, and craftsmanship that residents are very proud of - but focusing on the future and understanding its path is a mindset that unites many of us. For that reason, we're introducing a monthly horoscope crafted by our legendary Mexican Guillermo Cuarón to light your 2023 path!
Now to the future, x Gabriela.
Aries: 21 March-20 April
You could feel lucky in love (which means more kisses on the lips) and in life (kissed on the cheek) this year with Jupiter in your sign until the middle of May. Early March sees love planet Venus embrace lucky Jupiter, and with both of these planets in your sign, you could take a big risk with love that could really pay off. Did we mention that PARIS AT 7PM is the perfect shade for love?
There may be some emotional healing to go through when the Moon’s north node of destiny moves into your sign in July for a lengthy visit to help you figure out where you want to be, who you want to be – and who you want to be with (of course for this you will need a statement lipstick, like our signature pink NEW YORK AT 1PM. Venus makes an extraordinarily long stay in your romance zone from June to October, making you extra flirty and playful (queue THE JET SET for wherever the mood takes you). But Venus also flips into retrograde, so if you’ve tried to move too fast, a rethink could be necessary to work out any issues before deciding whether to go for it and take that romantic leap of faith.
Late March to mid-June could see some radical changes in how you relate (try the calming magic that is SAINT-TROPEZ AT 11AM), as powerful Pluto begins a transformational journey that shakes up traditional ways of relating through to 2044. Your first step on that journey starts this year.
Aries best love dates: 21 February to 16 March; 6 June to 9 October; 9 November to 4 December.
Aries best shade for prosperity: NEW YORK AT 1PM