Hispanic Heritage Month  💋

Hispanic Heritage Month 💋

Hola Guapas,

So, what does Hispanic Heritage Month mean for a businesswoman of Mexican heritage living and working in the USA? Well, for starters, it's the convergence of two worlds—a blend of my Mexican roots with the American Dream, embodying the true spirit of Madame Gabriela.

Mexico City at 9PM: More Than Just a Lipstick Shade

Have you tried our "Mexico City at 9PM" lipstick? It's not just a color; it's an evening in Mexico City wrapped in a tube. Think of the sun setting over the Zócalo as music plays in the background. This hue is a tribute to those magical nights and the vibrant soul of the city that made me who I am.

Our Team, Our Backbone

When you look around your workspace, do you see faces that tell a story? At Madame Gabriela, our story is told through the diverse faces of our predominantly Hispanic, all-female team.

Martha, who manages our logistics, was the first female in her family to run her own successful business, just like me. She brings a level of determination and savvy that's unmatched. 

Lucy, our creative mastermind, was the first in her family to graduate from college. Born and raised in the heart of Los Angeles, she grew up surrounded by a tapestry of cultures that now influences her work. She says her drive was instilled in her by her abuela, who ran a small bodega in Puerto Rico. Lucy has two daughters and constantly stresses the importance of education and lifelong learning to them.

Then there's Sofia, one of our chemists and product gurus. Sofia is a second-generation Mexican-American who brings both her cultural heritage and her product know-how to our team. She believes that innovation doesn’t have to come at the cost of tradition, and she works to infuse everything she does with both cutting-edge technology and time-honored beauty secrets from Latin America.

Lastly, we have Ana, who spearheads our social and PR. Ana's parents immigrated from Colombia, and she grew up balancing two worlds—embracing the entrepreneurial spirit of America while keeping her Colombian roots alive through music and dance. Ana believes that each customer interaction is an opportunity to share a piece of her heritage and to make everyone feel like part of the Madame Gabriela family.

We’re a group of strong, inspired women who’ve turned challenges into stepping stones. Each one of us brings a unique set of skills and a rich cultural tapestry that adds depth to our shared mission. Together, we're much more than a team; we're a sisterhood committed to raising the bar in the beauty industry.

Navigating Two Worlds

Being a female entrepreneur of Mexican descent in the U.S. has its challenges, from language and cultural barriers needed to break into a competitive market. But it also has its massive joys: like introducing the richness of Mexican beauty traditions to a global audience. We are here, breaking barriers, one lipstick shade at a time.

Diversity Beyond Lip Service

And you know what makes it even better? Our partnership with Thirteen Lune’s “Beauty of Inclusion” initiative. Because the beauty industry isn’t just one shade or one story; it's a tapestry of cultures, colors, and narratives.

So, as we journey through Hispanic Heritage Month, let's raise our voices, share our stories, and celebrate the kaleidoscope of experiences that make us unique. Are you in?

x Gabriela

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